Case Study - Rural School



Rural BC School


Design of treatment system for Arsenic and bacteria protection

The problem

Rural schools are often using private wells or water sources that need purification

Not all schools are located in the city. Many schools are in rural settings and have all the headaches of dealing with private water system sources. This particular school in Central BC was dealing with high Arsenic and bacteria levels in their water. The arsenic was naturally occuring in the groundwater throughout the region, and bacterial contamination is common in older wells or areas with pathogen potential and ground conditions that can bring surface water down into wells.

dirty pipe
circle-cropped (2) (1)

The solution

Designing and permitting the right water purification system to ensure maximum student and staff safety.

With our extensive experience in this area, Watertiger designed a water treatment system to remove all Arsenic and eliminate pathogens from the water. We designed the treatment system and assisted the Facilities Operations personnel through the permitting process with the local Health Authority.

Being a school and a critical operation to maintain the highest level of wate safety, it is necessary to choose a water treatment designer that knows the applications and processes inside out. The system was installed by the district staff with our support and training, and has been operating smoothly for nearly 10 years with regular monitoring, testing and routine maintenance.

We have repeated this identical process with over 30 rural schools in BC with a wide range of contaminant issues from heavy metal removal, pathogen issues, staining or scaling problems, tannin and organic issues and colloidal silt problems.

Products installed

These are common systems in rural water systems.

Fimat Water Strainer


uv pro

For bacteria

Walchem_EWN_front (1)

For bacteria

> 30

rural schools treated


students and staff protected annually


difficulty to operate

Have a similar problem?

Send us a message here, or call us at (604) 630-1114 (Vancouver) or (250) 412-1110 (Victoria)